Decision Analysis Section

Sample Question
Ancient Pack of Intelligent Dogs

Anthropologists in South Africa recently found the grounds of an ancient pack of intelligent dogs.  The anthropologists found clay stones with etchings that might be evidence of communication between the dogs.  Scientists attempted to decipher the codes and placed their findings in the table below:

  What is the meaning of this:

    D//  F  Cc  B+(6ee),  D2  :kAd

A. Dogs and humans are creative beings.
B. We've created some bad things and some admirable things.
C. They invented some impressive security tools.
D. We focus on creativity because it is a value in our group.
E. We invented the shoe but humans take credit for it.
  Operating   Routine   Specialist  Characteristic
  A = Positive   1 = Plant   + = Danger   { = Aggressive
  B = Opposite   2 = Person   # = Etching   (( = Intelligent
  C = Less   3 = Air   @ = Dark   // = Personal
  D = Increase   4 = Fluid   ! = Lost   :? = Hungry
  E = Back   5 = Eat   :> = Organise   = Thirsty
  F = Past   6 = Paw   :k = Take    Pp = Pleasure
  G = Now   7 = Dog   ? = Yellow   ♫ = Curious
  H = Male   8 = Fight   :j = Fix   \\ = Lonely
  I = Female   9 = Age   >> = Lead   & = Truth
  J = Distance   10 = Tool   <> = Rule

  && = Mean

  K = Fast   11 = Rock   xx = Skill   ''''' = Mate
  L = High   12 = Wind   zz = Intruder   Ss = Sleep
  M = Same   13 = Smell   yy = Turn

  Ii = Important

  N = South   14 = Vision   ▲= Defeated

  Cc = Creative

  O = West   15 = Hear    ▼= Territory

  Nnn = Need

  P = All   16 = Hot  ☻= Know

  Un = Certain

  Q = Rare   17 = Mineral   Mv = Move   Rr = Relations
  R = Start   18 = Run   ee = Entity   Ww = Want
  S = From   19 = Day   Ff = if   Ad = Admire
  T = Too   20 = Sun   Nn = Noise   Sr = Strong
  U = And   21 = Option   Cn = Clean   Tr = Intention
  V = Can   22 = Sibling   rip = Stripe   Pr = Prompt
  W = Minus   23 = Hairs   dd = red   ww = Wrong
  X = Or   24 = Out   Bu = Blue   ne = Sick
  Y = How   25 = Should   Gr = Green   us = Use
  Z = After   26 = On   wi = Winter   ore = Ignore
  ∞ = Why   27 = Side   au = Autumn   elp = Help
  § = Left   28 = Reason   tco = Outing   cool = Right
  = Here   29 = For   eli = Eliminate   ser = Serious

Scroll down to see the answer.
  image here image here image here           image here image here image here image here image here  


Answer Box

Answer:  E.  We invented the shoe but humans take credit for it.

Explanation:  The translation of the code is the following: increase-personal past creative opposite-danger(paw-entity), increase-person take-admire.  Option E uses all of these terms in an efficient manner.

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